Diagnosed at Age 30

I created this blog four days after my diagnosis at age 30, to share my story, connect with others and to share whatever I learn about premature ovarian failure (and/or insufficiency, depending on future diagnostics).

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Questions

First, let me begin by saying this sheet is very helpful: http://www.runmyclub.com/IPOFA/ClientFiles/FAQ.pdf

Nonetheless, I have many questions that I assume will go unanswered my entire life...

What caused this?
Is there any linkage to the Pill?

Is it because autoimmune disorders (though none listed that are linked) and degenerative disorders run in my family?

Was it that weird virus I had in 2007 that caused gigantic lumps on my arms and a fever?

Could it linked to my having had amoebas back in 2000?

Is the POF linked with whatever it is that causes my nails to curl up or my pinky fingers to be freakishly long?

Not that I'm superstitious, but during one Easter, I learned the "dangling pencil trick" that is used to determine the sex of a child. Not only does it tell the sex of a child, but it can tell the sex of previous children, and their birth order. When my mom was tested, my circle was much, much larger than every other circle we saw that day (there were six other circles). Does this tell me something about my genes? Is it linked to the POF?

Is there a chance that the bad kidney infection I suffered at 9 months old have anything to do with this?

When will my mom quit blaming herself?

Will people who know I have this be selective about sharing information about their pregnancies and/or children?

Where's the line between openness and too much information?

Why does nearly every female I tell immediately respond with, "You can have one of my eggs!"? Thanks, it's too soon for that discussion.

Since every man I have ever met seems to want children, is there any point in dating if my currently supportive boyfriend and I split?

How do I make time to read about PFO and meet with doctors while in graduate school?

How do I incorporate a healthy lifestyle into my life (without it becoming my entire life) when being expected to work 60+ hours a week?

Can I take a week off to do nothing but weight train, research and SLEEP?

What will give me the greatest chance of recovery?

If I do begin to ovulate again, should I have a child, knowing that if it is a girl, she may inherit this?

How can I become part of the solution if the problem has not been exactly identified?

Why don't governments do more to eliminate toxins from our air, water, soils and consumer products and adopt the ways of "cradle to cradle" design?

Does my lack of vaginal dryness imply that I still am producing (some) estrogen? If so, does that mean I have a better than normal chance of this problem reversing?

When will the hot flashes stop?

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